Monday, April 13, 2009

The Triplets Take a Ride to the High Risk OB

Today was our appointment and ultrasound at the high risk OB center. They first had us see the genetic counselling folks, which I guess is a pretty common practice, but not strickly due to maternal age or multiple gestations. It gave us some things to think about, but since I transport sick neonates, it made me feel like there was no hope of having 3 normal babies, something which has been on my mind since we started this process.

They also talked to us about reducing, but while we understand the risks to the whole pregnancy, we feel it better to just ride it out and run the gamble of delivering early. We may change our mind depending on what happens in the future.

The ultrasound was the highlight of the 3 hour appointment, they wanted to check the identicals to see they had their own placenta. Much to their surprise they did, which again gives us more options if we had to reduce and eliminates the possibility of twin to twin transfusions. They were moving around and just looked darn cute. We have to return to them for a nuchal translucency ultrasound on all babies which will help them predict genetic defects since several syndromes present with neck webbing.

Kyra has been doing really well with nausea/vomiting this week, although she did throw up her breakfast out of the blue this morning.

Above is zoomed in ultrasound picture of babies A and C, they're legs and arm buds are visible, I think they're cute little guys.

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