Friday, March 20, 2009

Another Week of Waiting

There hasn't been much new in the last couple week since we found out Kyra was pregnant. By the regular pregnancy calendar she is currently 6 weeks, but 4 weeks via the IVF calendar. I thought that signs of pregnancy would be fairly obvious by now, but she's only had one little bit of nausea a couple mornings ago, which passed quickly, and has been more fatigued in the last week or so. One could debate if the fatigue is her busy lifestyle with school, so if you're looking a pretty early sign,assuming you get enough sleep, it seems to be a pretty sure fire one.

I was talking to a coworker of mine who also underwent the IVF with ICSI shortly before us, unfortunately, there wasn't a heart beat at her 6 week ultrasound. While she was older then Kyra, it does concern me since I'm a worrier about things I don't have any control over. I'm excited, but afraid for ultrasound day, which is still a over a week away.

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