Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Week 18/19

Kyra just went for yet another weekly OB appointment and things continue to go well (knock on wood). The clinic has been checking her cervical length every week for the past 3 weeks to ensure there's no thinning which would signify premature labor. Her length has been >4 cm, which our clinic (and most others) consider normal for the second trimester. I wasn't able to go to this weeks appointment, but Kyra tells me the babies are doing well on U/S; they're all quite active with good heart beats.

As far as momma, she's been having a bit more difficulty. A couple weeks ago she began to have a lot of groin pain which seems to have subsided in recent days. Her "baby bump" has continued to get noticably larger with the occasional Braxton-Hicks contraction, which are normally seen in the second trimester and thought of as practice contractions. She's had a bit more difficulty getting around, bending over, and shortness of breath with exertion, which I'm sure will get worse in the coming weeks.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Big News from the Anatomy Scan

Our anatomy week 18 anatomy scan was done on June 1st, which is a bit early, but they wanted to do that since our initial genetic testing wasn't early enough due to triplets. It took 3 hours for all the triplets, and they examined very fine details of each one to rule out defects and genetic problems.

Obviously the brain was examined to make sure all of it was present, they looked for what appears as a dark spot in the lower brain which is known as the cavum septi pellucidi which is where part of the brain known as the corpus callosum will form. They remeasured the nuchal thickness again, checked lateral ventricles, and a couple other structures. Things like humeral lengths and 5th digit (finger) bone formation were checked to help rule out Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome); the upper lip and palate were checked for a clef with is often present in Trisomy 13. The vertabrae were also examined to rule out a neural tube defect such as spina bifida. There was much more done, but those are the main things I can recall from the scan.

When we first found out Kyra was pregnant, we weren't going to find out the sex of the baby, however, since triplets were in our future we decided we would for planning purposes. One of the exciting parts of the scan was checking the sex, it didn't look like much, but you could definately tell a boy from a girl. Kyra and I were happy to find out we were having 2 boys and a girl, what a great mix, now we can start to buy pink and blue stuff instead of yellow and green all the time!

So everything seems to be going well right now, they're watching Kyra's cervical length until week 23, it looks normal so far. Once we get to week 23-24 (viability) I'll feel a bit better, then when we reach week 28 I'll feel a lot better, but ultimately my goal is for them to stay put until week 32.